October 25-28 2022 (XR03)
1. Station map

2. Cruise Participants
Chief Scientist
Dr. Steven F. DiMarco (TAMU/GERG)
Senior Scientists
Dr. Xinping Hu (TAMUCC), project lead
Dr. Sakib Mahmud, (TAMU/GERG), served as additional marine tech
Scientific Party
Dr. Xiao Ge (TAMU/GERG), CTD sampling
Kelisha Stamps (TAMU/GERG), Oxygen chemistry, nutrients
Gina Milton (TAMU/GERG), CTD sampling
Uchenna Nwankwo (TAMU/GERG), CTD sampling
Izzie Wang (TAMU/OCNG), CTD sampling
Eva Jundt(TAMUCC), DIC sampling, CTD sampling
Cory Staryk (TAMUCC), DIC sampling, CTD sampling
Dr. Hang Yin (TAMUCC), DIC sampling, CTD sampling
Dr. Kaijun Lu (UTMSI), Marine organic matter
Jose Ernesto Sampedro Avila (UTMSI), Marine organic matter
Dr. Jian-Jhih Chen (BC), Nitrogen isotopes
3. Sample Collection
During the cruise, CTD casts were made at nine stations across the studied area. A total of 63 dissolved oxygen samples were analyzed on board the ship using Winkler titration. A total of 60 nutrient samples and 16 salinity samples were collected for lab analysis at GERG/TAMU. A total of 80 samples were collected for carbonate chemistry characterization (total alkalinity, total dissolved inorganic carbon, and pH) at TAMU-CC. In addition, a number of samples were collected for oil, methanol, and microbial analyses for the collaborators of the scientific party on board. This cruise was interrupted by an electronic failure of the CTD and hence was cut short.
4. Preliminary Results
Fig. 3 Sea surface CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), temperature (SST), and salinity (SSS) along the cruise track.