
Mechanistic Modeling of Bottom Water Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Baffin Bay

EPA Cooperative Agreement Numbers:

EPA Q-TRAK#: 17-448

Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Contract No. 1729



Model intructions using BB6 as an example

1. In order to run this model (BB6_DO_combined_cell_for_submission_without_DO.m), the user needs to prepare the following parameters: Sampling Date, dayID, water depth level (surface=1, bottom is 0), temperature, salinity, Chl a, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NH4+, NO3-, NO2-), ortho-P. Note dayID is the day number from January 1 2013. For example, dayID would be 2 on January 2 2013, and 366 on January 1 2014.

2. This model need daily wind speed, which can be download from the Kingsville Naval Air Station http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/download.phtml?network=TX_ASOS. The wind speed file format should be Date, dayID, and windspeed (m s-1). Note dayID is the day number from January 1 2013. For example, dayID would be 2 on January 2 2013, and 366 for January 1 2014. The D.O. model will automatically match the corresponding wind and sampling date.

3. The example model is the average of 81 model runs by changing the four key coefficients (3*3*3*3) from 75%~125% of “best-fit” coefficients.

4. The model needs the following two functions file (csvwrite_with_heade.m, shadedErrorBar.m), which should be added to the MatLab path.

5. If there is DO measurement, the user should use the script BB6_DO_combined_cell_for_submission_with_DO.m, which will automatically draw one figure to compare the model predictions with in situ measurements.

6. The D.O. model will automatically write a .csv file, which includes the date and model predicted daily surface and bottom DO concentrations. The user can change the output file name as needed in Line 239 of the MatLab script.