
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I and Lab

(Office hours debunked for new college students)

Description: The foundation course in chemistry. Stoichiometry, chemical equilibria, atomic structure, chemical bonding, periodic properties, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and descriptive chemistry of the elements. Laboratory involves development of basic skills. This course counts toward the natural science component of the University Core Curriculum.

CHEM 4344 Chemical Oceanography (CHEM 5490 Special Topics)

Description: This course covers both chemical processes in the oceanic environment and how biology, geology and physics affect the chemistry. Topics include air-sea interactions, water column chemistry, and reactions in sedimentary environments. Students are expected to participate in the teaching process through their involvement in small groups, class discussions, and modeling/simulation exercises.

CHEM 5421 Aquatic Chemistry (CHEM 4490 Special Topics)

Description: A study of the chemistry of natural and polluted waters. Topics include chemical kinetic and equilibrium principles as applied to natural and polluted waters, and the ecotoxicological aspects of aquatic chemistry. In addition, critical readings in current literature and research on environmental issues will be discussed. Includes a laboratory component.

CMSS 6357 Global Geochemical Cycles and Change

Description: Integrated examination of global-scale geochemical cycles operating within and between the four components of the Earth system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and solid Earth) and their role in the evolution of our planet.

CMSS 6358 Ocean and Estuarine Acidification

Description: This course focuses on introducing the concept of acidification of marine ecosystems (estuaries and oceans) and biological and ecological responses to the acidification; the geological past will also be examined in the context of current ocean acidification. Numerical simulations using software CO2SYS and interpretation of open-access global databases on global ocean and estuarine acid-base dynamics will be introduced in this class.

July 10: Wumi successfully defends her thesis entitled "Influence of River Discharge on Chlorophyll Concentration Variability in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico".

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